Opening Hours
Call & Make an Appointment to Make Sure We Can Give You Our Undivided Attention
Monday | Closed |
Tuesday | 09:15AM - 4:30PM |
Wednesday | 09:15AM - 4:30PM |
Thursday | 10:15AM - 4:30PM |
Friday | 09:15AM - 4:30PM |
Saturday | 10:00AM - 2:00PM |
Sunday | Closed |
Saturday Afternoons and Weekday Evenings Can Be Seen By Appointment ONLY
Contact Information
Phone: 780-986-2729
Address: #1- 6610,44 Street, Leduc, AB,
T9E 7E4
Renu Cycle is Located in Leduc, Alberta just 15 minutes south of Edmonton. If you want a test ride, Leduc is a great place to come down for a cruise, with a nice small lake and park with adjacent multi use pathways in and around town. Please call first so we can set aside time to give you our utmost attention for questions test rides, etc.!
Our Location Details
We share space with: Crackmasters Leduc
You Can Google
Renu Cycle or Crackmasters, Leduc
On your Computer, GPS or Smart phone
To Get Driving Directions to
Renu Cycle or Crackmasters

Help Prevent BIKE Theft. Register your Bike
Bike Index is a FREE site that Can Help Recover your Bike if it is Stolen Check it out then Register
Come by for a FREE Numbered, Q-Code Registration Sticker for your Ride!
Renu Cycle: #1 - 6610 44 Street, Leduc, Alberta, Canada T9E 7E4 (780) 986-2729 For the Most Comfortable Ride In the World!